For Daughters of the King

Psalm 45: 10-11 ” Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear. Forget your people and your father’s house, the King is enthralled by your beauty, honor him, for he is your Lord.”

The King is enthralled by your beauty. WOW! I am sure I have read this piece of scripture before but it surely hit me when I read it today. Our King, our Lord is Enthralled by my beauty? Yes He is! Why wouldn’t he be? For I am fearfully & wonderfully made by his hands so of course he is enthralled by my beauty, it is a reflection of his beauty!

How often do we seek the approval of our people or our family? As girls we desire so badly to be beautiful and accepted by those around us. But this tells us to forget about that because the King of the Universe, the creator, Our Lord is ENTHRALLED by YOUR beauty.

What I love about this verse is it specifically points out that we are His daughter. He says to us “O Daughter.” This reveals God’s passionate heart for His daughters. The word enthralled here is the same word meaning desires, craves, longs for. Our Lord Longs for our beauty. How lovely is this?

Therefore, “honor him, for he is your Lord.” Honor Him. Honor Him. The is a command that you see all throughout scripture. Honor Him or bow down to Him. Let’s be honest… how many times do we do everything we can to “honor” our boy friends desires because he is “enthralled” by our beauty? We hand over our innocence & purity to guys who say what we desire to hear. But guess what? Our Lord desires our beauty. So why is it hard for us to honor him in the same way that we so easily honor these guys?

Be Satisfied by the Lord’s love for His daughter & honor Him with your beauty!

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